The Hamilton Kerr Institute was established in 1976, in response to recommendations by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in its report on Training in the Conservation of Paintings published in 1972, with grants from the Baring Foundation, the Esmée Fairbairn Trust, the Gulbenkian Foundation, the Isaac Wolfson Foundation, the Monument Trust, and the Pilgrim Trust.
The Hamilton Kerr Institute is located at University Printing House in the heart of the City of Cambridge, having relocated from the riverside property, given to the University of Cambridge for the Fitzwilliam Museum by the late Sir Hamilton Kerr, Baronet , MP, it had formerly occupied for 48 years.
The Institute houses a modern open-plan studio, offices, scientific laboratory, microscopy laboratory and studios for photography and x-radiography. The Institute's unique conservation library contains technical and art-historical books, archives, photographs and slides.
London Studio
The Hamilton Kerr Institute's London Studio was established in 1980 under the direction of Herbert Lank. Students work there on attachment for short periods under the direction of Simon Bobak and Anna Sanden.